
new knobs

Adam and I go to a place in York called Refinding's on a regular basis - it's an antique consignment shop with lots of neat things. We love digging around to see what we can find to turn into something fun & unique for our home.

This past weekend we found these really cool (old, rusty...) faucet handles. At $3.00 a piece, we picked up all the oranges ones they had!

Our plan (from the second we saw them) was to make them into cabinet door knobs for our built-ins in the family room. A few "trial & error" attempts to see how best to make them and we now have fun orange faucet handle knobs!

Yahoo for a quick & easy, unexpected weekend project. The handles themselves were a couple different sizes which we think gives it added character. There were 5 orange ones total so we have one left for another project  and we already have something in mind!

[p.s. this post may be linked to any number of these blogs]


why I started this blog

You may (or may not) have noticed that I haven't posted anything in a few weeks. It's been busy around here and (honestly) I just haven't found the time to sit down at my computer to type up tutorials or spend any considerable amount of time behind my sewing machine. While I'm being honest, as of a few days ago, my computer wasn't charged for 3 weeks. I didn't miss it.

I started this blog because I was documenting my diy projects on sheets of paper so I could remember how I created something in case I ever wanted to do it again. One day it hit me that it would be fun to start a blog. 5 minutes later, I had signed up for a blogger account and now here I am a year and a half later with what is now Sewing Barefoot.

The main reason I love blogging is because it's fun! I like creating things, sharing them on the web & connecting with other fun bloggers who share my passion. After months and months of blogging (and pouring 100% of my free time into this little blog) I found myself feeling like blogging was a second "job." I was coming home from work (exhausted) and was feeling obligated to link up at link parties & get a post ready for the next day so I could keep up with my "self set" schedule. I felt guilty if I missed a post so I would spend every evening on my computer editing pictures and posts while watching tv instead of snuggling up on the couch with my husband (for a while, I think he felt he was married to a computer). I began losing creativity because I was tired and some days felt like I had used it all up on my clients at work.

I don't mean to be negative, but I just thought that I'd share a few things that I've decided in order for me to continued on with blogging:

1) I am going to blog at my own pace (wait, where have I heard this before???) But no, really... I am going to post when I feel like it and NOT feel guilty if it's been 2 weeks since my last post.

2) I am going to retired my link party "The Weekly Creative"... It's not fair to you linkers when I don't have the time to visit and comment on each post. I appreciate each and every one of you and I enjoyed seeing your amazing projects & recipes. Thank you.

3) I am not going to feel like I have to spend every night on my computer. I am going to snuggle on the couch with my husband and probably let my computer die for a few days before I recharge it. I am going to put a lot of effort into the posts that I write but I am not going to feel like I need to spend every spare minute blogging. I am going to find a healthy balance :)

4) I am going to create things that I need, want or plan to giveaway. I have many projects that are just sitting around and when I look at them I think "I made this just for the blog"... If that's the case, I am going to find a home for those projects, even if it means getting them out of my house.

5) I am going to share more personal touches on the blog - like the new couch we just bought and the pillows that I sewed that we based the entire design around. Our new gas logs that we just got installed in our family room. The dining table we saved from Craigslists and had refinished. The side table my husband made for us from the tree that fell on our house and crushed our porch. The DIY art we made and why we made it the way we did. I can't guarantee that everything will have a step by step tutorial, but I do feel like each post will have a lot of personality and inspiration.

If you're still reading this, I'll finish with this...blogging is something I really enjoy doing and I plan on keeping it that way. I appreciate all of you reading this and following along with my creative (and sometimes random) path of sewing, diying, cooking(ha!) and making our house a home.
