
stitched heart mug cozie

Coffee or tea? 
How do you choose!? 

No matter what you drink, you should drink it in a cute mug with an adorable mug cozie. Don't you agree? If you're not into sewing, you can check out my tutorial for crocheting a mug cozie. If you're into sewing... let's get started :)

what you'll need

main fabric (2 pieces both 11-1/2" x 3-1/2")
muslin or other stabilizer (1 piece 11-1/2" x 3-1/2")
accent fabric - 2"x8" for tab
accent fabric - scrap for heart
small piece of velcro
pinking sheers

[1] Start by layering 1 piece of main fabric on top of your piece of muslin (pin together if you wish). Place your accent fabric heart a little off center on your fabric. Top stitch into place.

[2] Next, take your 2"x8" accent piece and fold it in half (wrong sides together). Place your velcro right under the crease, unfold your fabric & stitch it into place. Once secured, fold your fabric again (wrong sides together) and stitch down both sides to form the tab. Using your pinking sheers, trim both edges so they don't fray.

[3] To assemble the cozie, layer your fabric in the following order (see image below):

main fabric with heart facing up
tab with velcro facing up
main fabric (right side down) on top

Stitch both long sides and the short side of the cozie with the tab. Leave the other short side open. Use this open end to turn your cozie right side out. Iron cozie so that it lays flat, fold in the unstitched edge & top stitch around all 4 sides of the cozie to close it up.

[4] Wrap your "almost finished" cozie around your mug and mark where your second piece of velcro needs to go. Stitch in place.

Now that your mug cozie is finished you really only have one thing to decide:
coffee or tea?
