
kindle fire giveaway

'Twas the month before Christmas
And all throughout blog land
Were patterns and recipes,
Ornaments and cake stands.

Your favorite bloggers
Were busy as could be
Making projects and tutorials
For all to see.

Then we got an idea
For something to do
To make the holidays brighter
For one of you

All year round
You bring us such joy
Why not give one reader
A special Christmas "toy?"

We thought and we thought
Till our brains were quite tired
Then it came to us,
"A Kindle Fire!"

We all joined together,
Now today is the day
So get in your entries
For this special giveaway!

Amy @ One Artsy Mama
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends December 14 at midnight EST. Please follow the guidelines above :)

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

This giveaway is sponsored by the following {fabulous} blogs; be sure to show them some love!

Happy Go LuckyOne Artsy MamaA Glimpse InsideAliLilyartsy-fartsy mamaPhotobucketChase the StarCCM ButtonHappy Hour ProjectsI Heart Crafty ThingsLadybird LnbuttonPractically FunctionalPhotobucketsewingbarefoot


  1. wonderful giveaway!! I would keep it for myself!

  2. Lovely giveaway! I would use the Kindle Fire for my patterns and books, but I would also share it with my family!

  3. I would probably give it to my husband. But using it for my patterns is not a bad idea at all...

    Best of luck with this giveaway Shannon!

  4. Oh, what a great giveaway! I think I would give it as a gift...or keep it for myself, hard to say!!

  5. enjoy it

  6. I would give it to my Mom - she is an avid reader. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  7. I'm mean and would keep it for myself!

  8. I would share it with my family :)

  9. :) I think it would make a great gift for my husband!

  10. I would give it to my son since he really wants one! :)


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