
ribbon bookmark

I'm attempting to learn how to crochet. Hmm. It's not coming as naturally to me as knitting did when I was 8. My mom gave me The Happy Hooker book (after she bought it and gave up on the idea of learning how to crochet from a book). Instead of reading it, I decided to make a bookmark for it (for...you know, whenever I actually get around to reading it).
Here's what you'll need to make your own:
a book
1" - 2" wide ribbon
skinny hair bands
hot glue gun
matching button
needle & thread

Start by cutting your ribbon to size. Slide your ribbon into a middle page of your book. Wrap it around to the front cover and cut it (you'll want to have about 1" - 1.5" gap between the ends of your ribbon when pulled tight around the book). Keep in mind you'll have a stretchy band holding it together.

Next, fold your first loose end over top of your hair tie and hot glue it into place. Second, fold over your other loose end about 1/2" and hot glue it in place (this gives you a nice clean edge). Simple as that! Stitch a little button on the side that doesn't have the "hair tie" and put it around your book. You now have a new bookmark (and it only took you about 5 minutes)!

Now I just need to learn how to crochet...

[p.s. this post may be linked to any number of these blogs]


  1. Oh my goodness this is soo cute! I always use a post it note for a bookmark. I need to make about 10 of these!

    1. Thanks so much! They're so easy that you could knock out 10 in no time :) I had to refrain from making about 35 of them the other day... I get obsessed and sometimes over do it. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. That's a neat bookmark. I've never seen one that wraps itself over like that. Thanks for the tutorial.

  3. What an awesome idea, and it looks so pretty! Thank you for sharing :)

    1. Thanks! I love easy projects that can be knocked out in 5 minutes :)

  4. What a great idea!

    By far my favorite how-to-crochet book is Teach Yourself Visually: Crochet.

    1. Thanks so much for the book suggestion! :) I'll have to check that one out...

  5. What an easy and cool gift idea to make and give with a book!

    1. Yes - this is the perfect addition to a book gift :) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Pinned it! It's so cute and functional! So gonna make one!

  7. Cute! I love it!

    And that book title is killing me. Had to say it :)

    1. Thanks! and yes... I had to laugh when I got the book from my mom :)

  8. Hey Shannon,
    Had I known this when we were both in Seattle, I would have defiantly traded crochet lessons for knitting lessons! Super cute bookmark idea, mine always find there way out of the book!

    Hope you are doing well,

    1. Bummer! I would have totally done knitting for crochet lessons. I'm slowly picking it up but having someone to show me would be best :)

  9. CONGRATS!!! You have been featured at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality! Come on over and grab your featured button... you deserve it!

  10. Too cute and what a great gift idea! I am featuring you tomorrow~

  11. These are so cute! My niece learned to crochet by video's on YouTube. :)
    Thanks for linking up last week, we'd love to have you back!

  12. I'm the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your bookmark! You can see it here:


    If you have other kid friendly crafts, we'd love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful project idea!


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