
"look for less" design challenge

When I was contacted to be part of a "Look for Less" design challenge with some other amazing bloggers, I jumped at the opportunity. The idea behind this challenge was to find a look I loved but was too expensive for my taste or budget, then DIY it myself for less. 
Please meet the other girls participating in the challenge:
Rachel | Like a Saturday
Andrea | Life Love Larson
Kayla Home Coming

My "Look for Less" project:
DIY Anthropologie Tee-pee Coasters

When I stumbled across these adorable linen coasters on the Anthropologie website, I was immediately smitten. I am a firm believer that you can never have too many coasters around. Even though I do shop at Anthropologie for unique home decor items, I couldn't justify spending money on something I knew I could make. My coasters turned out to be free since I had all of the materials on hand from other projects. If you were to buy the linen & embroidery thread to complete this project you'd probably spend around $5.00 - $7.00.

... what you'll need to make your own ...
(list below makes 4 coasters)

8 - 5"x5" pieces of linen
4 - 5"x5" pieces of fusible white felt
brown embroidery thread
sewing machine/thread

... instructions ...

STEP [1]
Cut out 8 - 5"x5" linen pieces (2 pieces per coaster). With a pencil & ruler, doodle your tee-pee design on your linen. I didn't worry about making each tee-pee identical. 

STEP [2]
Cut out 4 - 5"x5" pieces of fusible felt (1 piece for each coaster). Iron the felt to the back of the 4 pieces of linen that have tee-pees drawn on them. The felt will help stabilize your stitching and give your coasters some loft.

STEP [3]
With your needle & embroidery thread, begin stitching the outline of the tee-pee. Once the outline is complete, fill in the center of the tee-pee with diagonal stitches across the design.

STEP [4]
With the extra 4 pieces of linen, sew the right sides of your coasters together (your felt should be facing out) leaving a small space to turn your coaster right side out. Press flat & top stitch about 1/8" in around the entire coaster to close the space used to turn your coaster. Ta-da! You've completed your first coaster. Repeat all steps for the remaining 3 coasters.

Click on the images below to check out all of the other amazing "Look for Less" projects completed during this design challenge:

[p.s. this post may be linked to any number of these blogs]


  1. Shannon, these turned out awesome! You officially win the "for less" part of this challenge! Your version looks even BETTER than the anthro version. Great job, I love them!

    xo, Kylie

  2. I can't believe you made these for free!!! Congrats. They look great.

  3. LOVE these! I really like that you embroidered them - it adds even more character!

  4. wow those look the same for freeeee! awesome!

  5. I'm so inspired by people who can sew! These are so incredibly adorable!

  6. Way too cute! And when I see yours next to the Anthro version I prefer yours!

  7. These are so cute! I love the simplicity. I'm inspired by -- and pinning! -- this!

  8. those coasters are super cute and you did them up right!

  9. I think a big version would make a striking pillow! BTW I have never heard of fusible felt. Do the chains carry this, or did you get it online?



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