
goodbye 2013, hello 2014!


I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and rang in the new year with friends and family. I have been soaking up time with my husband and family over the past couple weeks but I'm excited to get back to a more regular blog posting schedule.

To kick things off, here are my top 10 posts from 2013. I want to thank you guys for stopping by to check out my projects & posts. I look forward to lots of fun in 2014 (click on the pictures below to visit the original post).

Also, I have so exciting news! Starting in January, I will be a monthly contributor at Remodelaholic! I am what they're calling their "Home Decor Q&A" girl - if you have a question about design, color schemes, paint, furniture, etc. you can submit a question & picture to me using this form and your question could be featured in my monthly post. I want to thank you ahead of time for supporting me in this fun new endeavor. My first post goes live on January 16th! You can check out more info and scout out who else will be contributing over at Remodelaholic this year in this post.

So... on that note: I hope everyone is excited for a fun & crafty 2014! I know I am :)


1 comment:

  1. That's really cool!! Congrats!! I will have to submit something since I ALWAYS need decor advice!

    (I really thought you were going to announce something else!! lol!)

    ~ Darlene


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