The whole point of Treat Week was to show you some cute, yet super simple, ideas for holiday gifts. My friend Lindsay, my mom and I made all of these treats last Sunday when we were assembling baskets for some of our clients at work. We figured the marshmallow pops, chai latte, pistachio & cranberry bark & christmas chow would please a variety of people and would also look pretty assembled into a gift basket.
On top of all those goodies, we made reindeer cookies! Want to make your own?
Reindeer Cookie Directions
Simply bake or buy sugar cookies (we bought pre-made dough) and decorate by piping antlers using melted chocolate. Use a little chocolate to secure an M&M nose and 2 mini chocolate chip eyes. You can't go wrong with sugar cookies and the extra decorations make them very festive.
Here is my largest basket with all of the goodies assembled. I threw in some napkins, a few other store bought & homemade treats and a granite cutting board with cheese knife (we are in the flooring & granite business) and my basket was complete.