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guest post: decor for tiny rooms

Hello I am Amber from The Vanity Room. I have a passion for interior designing and blogging is the perfect platform to quench my creative thirst.  I love to indulge in the internet and dig for ideas as I feed off the inspiration. I am very thankful to Shannon for letting me contribute to her blog. She is an extremely humble person with an amazing down to earth personality. Today I will be sharing with you some of my favorite DIY ideas to decorate tiny rooms in our house.

Decor For Tiny Rooms

Small rooms can be frustrating as they are difficult to decorate.  Many of us have small rooms that we have to live in and deal with on a day to day basis. This means that most of us, with more meagerly proportioned rooms, are left wondering how on earth we can make the best of our tiny rooms.

Good choice and use of furniture is key in any small room – more so, in my opinion, than in a larger room. Choose furniture that precisely fits into place, whether it is a table under the window, a bookcase across the narrowest wall or even a storage unit fitted along the longest wall. While these bigger than expected pieces of furniture may take up a reasonable amount of room, they more than make up for it by optimizing the storage space available in the room – which frees up the rest of the room, making it seem that little bit bigger! 

Mirrors should be installed in every small room. Different types of mirrors can be used. Choose the biggest mirror you can find, or even use mirror tiles. Position the mirror across the narrowest point of the room, as the mirror's reflection will appear to double that small area, opening the room out to a more generous size. 

Make good use of the full height of any room – whether it is in the kitchen, conservatory or living room! Bookcases that reach up to the ceiling are considerably more capacious than one that only reaches to head height! You can buy some incredible bookcases from Ikea.

Bathrooms are often low-level rooms, which is a sad waste of all that space near the ceiling! Install narrow shelves that run around most of the bathroom to make space for bulk purchases of soap, shampoo and toothpaste and you will make the bathroom seem bigger in the process! I saw some amazing bathroom accessories at My-bathrooms. Under basin storage is a must in any small bathroom, as this makes good use of otherwise wasted space. Apply your DIY skills here; all you will need is some paint and an old table. Paint the old table in matching color to your bathroom and insert it under the sink. If your shower has a frosted glass or plastic door, think about changing this for a fabric shower curtain which can be pushed to one side to 'open' out the room a bit more.

In the kitchen there is often a huge array of equipment, tins and other foodstuffs that need to be stored safely. Invest in fold-out, rotatable cabinets to maximize the use of every inch of available space. 

Large televisions, while much thinner and less bulky than older models, still take up a fair amount of space. Limit their footprint by wall mounting large TVs, which then removes the need for a television stand. 

Choose plain furniture for small rooms as bright, busy patterns can make the furniture look big and bulky; too obtrusive for the dimensions of a smaller room. Use light paint or wallpaper to further add an open feeling to small rooms, and think about raising the pelmet as high as possible. Small rooms acquire an air of grandeur from a long, graceful fall of fabric. Use optical illusions to transform small and poorly proportioned rooms; for example adding stripes to counteract the effect of a long thin room, and picking out unusual room features (such as a large chimney breast) in contrasting paint colours. 

These few ideas and hints are very easy to implement and will hopefully inspire a fresh determination to decorate your small rooms, and give you some ideas on how to make a small but perfect interior – no matter where in your home it may be!

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